A TikTok Experiment: Post 10 Videos in One Day

Jared VanderMeer
4 min readMar 21, 2020


A Canadian TikToker doing a Views Experiment — Jared VanderMeer

Okay JVers. We decided it was time for a TikTok takeover experiment. The team got full control of my TikTok account yesterday and went wild creating and posting ten videos in a single day.

The goal was to see how quantity impacts TikTok likes. Content creators like Gary V have started talking about how quantity in marketing matters. I think quantity and quality need to be balanced, but the team and I wanted to put the “quantity theory” to the test specifically for TikTok. Basically, our questions were, “does posting more often on TikTok get more likes? More followers? More views?”

We started the day out with ten video concepts (and a few “just in case” concepts) that the team could execute on and then the team went to work producing them. It took up most of our day, but it was totally worth it to find out whether the quantity of TikTok posts matters.

Jared VanderMeer on TikTok in Canada — An Experiment

Let’s look at what we started out the day with:



- 275 videos

And here’s what we ended the day with:



- 285 videos

- 26,000 views (these videos got 250,000 views by the end of the week!)

The ending stats were just for that single 24-hour time period. The team was happy to see how many views our videos got in those first 24 hours. Every one of those views is another subconscious touchpoint for the brand, and that’s why we’re telling brands to get on TikTok now.

Providing Value Through TikTok

TikTok is owning the social media stage right now because it provides value. Their slogan is “Make Your Day,” and the feed delivers on that every time.

Because of the value it offers, TikTok is scaling faster than any platform before. People are already used to social media, so all ages of people are using it, but brands have been more hesitant. That means there’s a massive audience waiting and ready for branded content. Early adopters are set to have the most impact. They’re the ones who will get the views and the likes in these early stages. They can build audiences that are going to be actively using TikTok every day.

Video content platforms are popping up every day, and it’s not surprising. I’ve talked about the power of video before. Video is the ultimate form of content because it solves problems, tells stories, and hits your emotions all in just a few seconds. If you’ve been putting out videos on YouTube and your other social channels, now is the time to start thinking about TikTok.

6 Reasons Brands Should Get on TikTok Now

1. Since the platform is new and brand adoption has been slower than personal adoption, there’s a massive audience waiting for your content.

2. TikTok is exploding, and it’s going to be where all brands want to be soon. It’s growing at a rate of almost 70%.

3. Creating videos on TikTok is easy and fast. TikTok videos can take less than 15 seconds to create. Even some of our low-budget 15-second videos brought back major results.

4. All you need for success on TikTok is authenticity. Get creative and be true to your brand and you’ll be successful. That’s it.

5. It’s simple to build an audience if you can post original videos regularly. As our experiment showed, quantity does matter when, especially when it comes to getting more views. You can build thousands of subconscious touchpoints for your brand with every video you post.

6. TikTok is still evolving, so there are a ton of upcoming opportunities for brands. You can already find ad opportunities on TikTok for your brand.

TikTok Tips from Our Experiment

The goal for our experiment was to learn as much as possible about the content we created for TikTok, so we looked at the metrics after we posted everything and gathered some interesting insights. Here are a few top takeaways:

- TikToks that were too short or too long didn’t get as many views.

- Videos that used native TikTok music did well. Right now on TikTok, the songs are only allowed to be used for 15 seconds, so that’s why most of our videos are around 15 seconds long.

- TikToks that did well were ones that followed trends and used hashtags for those trends.

- TikToks that did well were high-quality and not grainy.

Our best video was a simple “pass the light” video. We were one of the first three or four accounts to jump on this trend, which was probably why it was so successful. There was no fancy editing. It just offered simple value, and that’s what audiences want most on TikTok.

If you want to grab more TikTok tips and tricks, check out my YouTube channel to find videos on How to Become TikTok Famous and What You Should Know About the TikTok Algorithm.



Jared VanderMeer
Jared VanderMeer

Written by Jared VanderMeer

I recently published If You Sell, You Lose, my first marketing book designed for businesses, brands, and marketers. Videos and marketing tips on YouTube.

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